Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Electric Guitar (jazz]

Electric Guitar (jazz]

Acoustic Bass


Cas ting a cool bre e eze Su pplied by the Au tu u umn Que stion where it went wrong Clim bing Jac ob's la ad der Clim bing Jac ob's la ad der Kind ly could you re e va lu ate Au tumn's a ni ma ted growth Au tumn in di cates the death of beau ty as we know Au tumn in di cates the death of beau ty as we know Keep on fight ing one di ed from burn ing at hi is thro at Au tumn swift ly stole the breath of bo dy, mind and soul Soul soul soul oh Try and come to will in gly em bra ce Khar ma's kiss of with e ring de e cay Death feeds, Hell bre e ds Sub side in the Au tumn Au tumn in di cates the death of beau ty as we know Au tumn in di cates the death of beau ty as we know Keep on fight ing one di ed from burn ing at hi is thro at Au tumn swift ly stole the breath of bo dy, mind and ' si lent beau ty No one cares (cares) Si lent ending (en ding) No one (no+one) is there...